How you can store all your sensitive data and access it from anywhere?

Today, we increasingly store both our own and other people’s personal data on computers. Of course, it is much more convenient to store addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and blogs, as well as information such as a passport number, driver’s license number, and even a bank card number, in electronic form. But is it safe?

How to Avoid Crimes Related to Your Sensitive Data?

New reports of crimes related to identity theft appear on the Internet every day. Nevertheless, people do not become less trusting and still continue to store personal data, both their own and others’, without paying due attention to their security. Your computer is not as secure as you think. If you use it to store sensitive information (think tax forms, legal documents, and other files), you need to take extra steps to keep that information safe from prying eyes.

In the absence of proper protection, data can become the prey of Internet hackers, who regularly replenish databases for subsequent resale to spammers and other “fans” of cold mailings. This decision to use data room banking is quite reasonable since practical activity shows an absolute novelty and almost zero use in real circumstances of the rules on the use of personal data. Questions and problems arise even among specialists.

The collected data often contains personal or corporate information that can cause serious damage if it falls into the wrong hands. Criminal groups create underground markets where they sell and buy stolen information. Government intelligence services target enemy systems for espionage purposes. In general, there are enough dangers. Fortunately, modern cryptography has quite powerful tools that help protect big data throughout its entire life cycle.

The Best Way to Store Your Sensitive Data and Access It from Anywhere

Keeping confidential files on your computer is much more convenient than keeping stacks of papers in filing cabinets. But just like you lock your closet, you need to secure these digital files so that thieves and hackers can’t access them. If you think that a normal user account password is enough, then it is not. If someone has access to your device, they can easily find and steal your files with free and easy-to-use software.

The best way to store all your sensitive data and access it from anywhere is to use the data room provider. Quickly invite users to your data room one at a time or send out hundreds of invitations at once. Specify user access permissions to the data room and Q&A section, as well as login security settings, and choose how often they will be notified when new documents are uploaded.

The virtual data room can store all your sensitive data as well as:

  • It is used to store information about documents placed in VDR, generated copies of the document, user rights settings, and created examinations, and the results of their conduct.
  • The VDR is used to organize and manage message/event queues between system services.
  • It is used to authenticate a user in the system using a connected LDAP directory, Google account, or e-mail, and also provides an interface for administering and managing user accounts.
  • Data room refers to infrastructure services and provides system components with configuration information.
  • The VDR provides synchronous calls to marking services for different document formats.
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